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The Octopus Platform

A Code Intelligence System

The Octopus project deals with the development of a Code Intelligence System. The system continuously accumulates security relevant information about program code used within an organization, makes it accessible to both analysts and tools, and employs pattern recognition techniques to recommend code that contains flaws with high probability. Built with emerging "big data" components under the hood, the resulting code analysis platform is designed to handle distributions worth of code. This is a requirement for the approach as statistical methods cannot function correctly without large amounts of data at their disposal. We additionally make an effort to provide clean interfaces to extend the platform, to enable research on new methods for code analysis, and adaption to the unique requirements of the programs under inspection.


To date, security systems focus mainly on the detection of known vulnerabilities, attacks, and malicious code. With attackers in mind who concentrate on compromising a large number of hosts with minimum effort, and no particular target in mind, these strategies seem reasonable.

On the other end of the spectrum, organizations may be targeted by attackers willing to invest time and resources to compromise that organization's network in particular, or even the devices of one specific individual. While realistically speaking, an attacker investing above a certain threshold will succeed, it is worth asking whether we can find a middle ground between protecting against known vulnerabilities only, and auditing for vulnerabilities day and night.

In essence, it must be hard to identify new vulnerabilities in the programs we deploy because flaws that are obvious no longer exist. An attacker should be unable to identify a previously unknown vulnerability simply by finding a variation of a known flaw, or by scanning for vulnerabilities very typical for the type of application or the libraries it uses.

This is not trivial. Today, successful identification of even simple vulnerabilities and assessing of exploitability are tasks that increasingly require a deep understanding of program specifics. Experienced vulnerability researchers therefore suggest to review both the program-specific APIs for quirks, as well as the security history for common programming patterns that caused vulnerabilities (see, for example, Chris Rohlf's BlackHat training on vulnerability discovery ( and Dowd et al.'s "The Art of Software Security Assessment".)

It is therefore not uncommon today to see articles about vulnerability discovery and exploitation that focus entirely on the security-relevant internals of a specific program (see Ilja van Sprundel's work on Windows device drivers, argp's work on Firefox, or huku's work on Flash). Knowledge of this kind is acquired in an often painful research process that uncovers information limited in value to a particular program, but absolutely required to identify relevant vulnerabilities in it. This information is publicly available to attackers and defenders alike and provides a starting point for analysis.

A Code Intelligence System

To date, there is no system to concentrate what we know about the typical vulnerabilities associated with programs, their libraries, and programming languages. Moreover, there are no mechanisms to preserve and share this information for other analysts to avoid flaws in the future. Finally, no way of automatically exploiting this information programmatically exists, that is, to build tools for semi-automated vulnerability assessment that leverage this information.

The long-term objective of the Octopus project is to develop a novel type of security component: a code intelligence system. The system keeps track of the program code developed or used by an organization, along with its development history, and in particular, security patches, as well as knowledge about vulnerable programming patterns accumulated over the past. With this information at hand, it repeatedly mines programs for code that seems worth auditing, along with useful hints on the difficulties associated with the use of the employed APIs. As such, it provides a central point for code analysts to share their knowledge, and to extract it for use in their tools.